Saturday, September 24, 2005

The latest and greatest fundraiser

Oh yes, Sutter has joined the world of walk-a-thons. The first is now in the books. Walk For The Arts. It was absolutely fascinating to watch it all unfold. Their was a little concern at the beginning because nobody really knew what the response would be until it actually happened. The committee did their job and had all kinds of food for sale so that families could come and let their kids walk and get dinner at the same time. The kids were pretty worked up by the time Friday rolled around. After all, they got an early dismissal out of the deal! The families trickled in at the beginning abut by 3:30 there was a pretty good crowd of walkers, joggers, runners. The 5th grade classes had challenged each other but in looking back the challenge probably should have come from some of the younger kids. They were so darn funny. You see these little kindergarten and 1st graders walking around and around and around. They are hot and sweaty but refuse to stop. Their parents could do nothing to get them off the field. Then there were the big kids who just got bored and started a pick up football game in the middle of the course. Perhaps it was the little incentives along the way - 6 laps you get a fan, 8 more you get an otter pop, another 8 a hot dog or piece of pizza. We had kids filling up their whole card and starting on a second! It's a good thing we have an in-service day on Monday so those kids can recover. It also makes you think about the whole PE thing. If a child can walk for 2 hours straight perhaps we can challenge them in the world of physical exercise in new ways. Hot dogs on PE days? Maybe not. The teachers loved it because we only had to put in an hour's time marking cards. It was a riot to watch the kids heading around the curve, see their new or old teacher and light up. They got their card marked, an encouraging comment and even a hug or 2. But no one could compete with the principal. Kids just love getting attention from the head hauncho. So I suppose now that the actual event is the complete, the challenge will be collecting the money. It will be something new to nag about while I check attendance, lunch count, and homework :)

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