Friday, September 09, 2005

All the other stuff

One of the advantages of coming back to Sutter was that I could cruise by on the weekends and do lesson plans or prepare activities for the coming week. Of course this can also get old when you suddenly realize that you are spending all your free time at school. This week I attempted to do a little more prep before and after school hoping to avoid the weekend visit. Unfortunately, it was a 4 day week so I started off at a deficit. I worked for 10 hours today, including lunch and still am not ready for Monday. I need at least another hour to be ready for those little cuties to walk through the door. ...get out the letters for spelling, write the words for the word wall, finish copying the packet for Tuesday's Back To School Night, outline my schpeel for the parents, papers to correct, forms to fill out for kids in counseling, and label the reading folders. Although I love my job it can become overwhelming at times. So what's the problem? That great Writerly Life curriculum I was writing about yesterday... each week I read through the lessons, imagine me teaching each one, then modify them to fit my kids. The social atmosphere of Sutter... The friendly atmosphere does put a crimp on getting work done even though I get there at 7:00. This week there were extra greetings surrounding my bicycle. It seemed that every morning someone was driving in the parking lot as I was parking my bike and shared their feelings about biking or gas prices. Then there was the planning meeting on Wednesday after school, an impromptu level meeting before school, prayer group. A few minutes here, a few there and suddenly the week is over with a list of things remaining to be done before the new week begins. I am still counting my blessings because I am lucky enough to have a job that is also my passion. But I wonder if the common person realizes everything that goes into that generic term that teachers call "lesson plans."

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