Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

My dad's birthday is on December 29th, not the greatest time of year to think about gift giving. Usually I do his shopping along with the Christmas rush but this year it seemed to be more than I could handle. I just couldn't think of anything to buy. I sent an email asking for ideas and it was suggested that I write a letter to my representatives telling them to stop spending our money. So here is my gift to my dad.

Dear Representative Honda, Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein,

On Christmas day there was a small article in my local paper, San Jose Mercury News, entitled “Congress Raises Debt Ceiling to $12.4 Trillion.” As a teacher who scrimps and saves to make ends meet each month, this got my attention. According to the paper, this measure was needed as a result of the out-of-control-budget deficit that is predicted to tip the scales at 12.1 trillion by the end of this year. Senators who were interviewed for the article all agreed that they did not want to vote for the bill but saw no other alternative. For several months now, that has been the bottom line; we see no other alternative but to continually increase our nation’s debt and hand out money that isn’t ours to give.

So the end result is that our government has once again voted itself another blank check with no concern regarding from where that money will come. This is a lesson that we teach our children from adolescence into young adulthood. You can’t spend money that you don’t have. When it’s gone you are left with two choices, you can either spend less or make more. The only way the government can make more is to increase taxes and fees and they don’t seem capable of understanding how to spend less. It is always more, more, more; more regulation, more government, more taken out of Medicare, more people added to the system, more spending above and beyond inflation, more pet projects, and more unfunded liabilities. When is enough, enough? When do we say stop? For me it is today. As my representative, I am telling you to stop the out of control spending!

For the first time in our nation’s history, we are almost certain to leave a country that is less, not more than what we received, to future generations. We are no longer respected on the world stage for what we create. The world now sees us only for what we can repay. We are debtors. We owe China 23% of our national debt and Japan 21%. We are quickly approaching a point where our Gross Domestic Product will equal our national debt. This is a very frightening position in which to find ourselves.

Our debt must now become the number one focus for our government officials to address. It’s not health care or crime or even national security. The ever-increasing public debt is the most important problem that we as a nation are facing. We can’t afford the current programs that must be funded let alone the new programs that are being voted in. When you return in January, the number one item on the agenda must be to cut spending. We cannot continue down this path of spending our children and grand children’s money. We are leaving for them a financial disaster that none of us would want to be a part of. It is time to make the tough decisions and make cuts. No more handouts to banks or car companies or anyone else that is supposedly too big to fail. There is no such thing. The only thing that is going to fail in this economic disaster is the hard-working men and women of America. There will be no other alternative than to increase taxes to pay for the debt you have created. And I for one cannot afford one more hit before I will be forced to make my own tough decisions.

The futures of the American citizens rest in your hands. Put yourself in the place of the more humble working class. We are just barely holding on, working hard and paying our bills month-to-month, hoping that the small amount of savings that we can steel away will sustain us in our retirement. We don’t want to live off of our government but it seems that now we will be the ones saying, “I see no other alternative.”

You have choices to make. They are not easy ones but there is no other option left but to make them and to make them now.

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