Sunday, December 13, 2009

Giving Birth to a Grandmother

I am encroaching upon a new role in my life. I am being redefined. I am very soon to receive additional responsibilities in my job description of Mom. I will have a new title and even more fun. I'm about to be known to the world as Grandma Tere. Up until this point I have just felt happy about witnessing a new generation in the making. I love watching and listening to Maria and Bill talk about the new family they are creating. But lately I have become much more emotional about it all. There has been a softening of my heart that somehow matches the softening of the body that comes with age. I cry more than I ever have in my whole life - at movies, TV shows or just looking at Maria's changing body and thinking about the life that is growing inside. I see babies and toddlers everywhere. I watch them with so much more intent now and wonder what is going through their heads as they learn to navigate the world they have found themselves a part of. It is all I can do not to start talking to strangers' babies or grab their toes and give them a loving shake. My favorite is seeing them in the grocery stores still in their footed jammies, babbling away. It makes me smile, no matter what else is happening in the world.

As the new C-G develops, I begin to ponder the kind of grandmother I am about to become. I remember two of my grandmothers and they played a very important role in my childhood. Although they were very different, I appreciated both of them and still only think of them with love. One spoiled me terribly and would have given me anything I ever wanted if my parents hadn't intervened and the other has been an extremely important model for who I have become as an adult. She taught me that food speaks love and that the effort put into homemade only makes it better. I can't imagine grandparenting like either of them did but a mixture of the two might be nice. I can't wait to see this baby and talk to her and figure out the grandmother I will be.

I am learning that just as parents want to give their very best to their children; so do grandparents I want to make a difference in this child's life. I want to fill her with love and guide her journey in this life. I have learned so much in life since I was a young mom and want so badly to share it.

I am also filled with strange little feelings about the beginning of a new generation. I never was concerned with whether or not my kids had babies. I only hoped that any babies who came into the world would be wanted and loved. I have just seen too many who weren't. But now I find myself rather amazed at the birthing of a new generation. It means that we believe the world is good and that we trust the people in it to support this new life. It is the belief in the future; the knowledge that we will overcome the struggles we face today leaving a land of plenty for those who come after us.

So, welcome little Miss C-G. Welcome to this world. Welcome to this family. We will try to do our very best to create a world of beauty and kindness where you will know that you are loved and will be forever more.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Grandma Tere, this baby is so incredibly fortunate to have a thoughtful, loving, talented grandma in you. She will see that in the not-too-distant future. You will most certainly be a relic in her life as she ages. Certainly. She is just so, so lucky. I hope you know this and you know this well.

And, with that, you leave me choked up and wanting to wake up MY sleeping daughter, but alas I must exhibit self control as I go in to peek at her sleeping. (You made me!!)