Sunday, August 11, 2019

First Day of School

Here in central Florida, a new school year begins tomorrow.  I take a moment to remember my own first days as a kid, nervous of what might lie ahead.  I was never a great student so those nights before the first day were sleepless ones.  The same words were used decades later when I took charge of my own classroom, nervous of what might lie ahead.  I give thanks for my teachers, those who mentored me into my first classroom, those who I continued learning from until the day I retired.  I loved the camaraderie of teaching and learning together.  I was one of those that looked forward to professional development and thinking deeply about my craft of teaching.  I am grateful for all of those who continue to come into this beloved profession, knowing the ups and downs that come with the job.  But most of all, now, just as then, I consider the children.  I pray that they are ready and excited to learn and trust that their teachers will become their greatest cheerleaders  May they know that each is on his/her own journey and timeframe. There is no one size fits all or a day on the calendar that is preordained when s/he will learn to read, or write a 5-paragraph essay of find the value of x.  It is step-by-step, one day at a time, always moving forward.  Siempre Adelante!  So tonight, when your mom and dad are begging you to get to bed because tomorrow is a "big day," rest assured that your teacher will love you, you will have friends, and you will learn big things.  And tomorrow, as I see the buses back on the streets, there will be a smile on my face and in my heart for students, for teachers, and for administrators.  Thank you for taking on the most important job and most rewarding work there is on the planet.  May this year be your best!

First-year teacher
Welcoming my granddaughter to kindergarten

1 comment:

PattyO said...

Such wonderful words for every family and their educators!