Friday, August 18, 2017

Defining Home

As I transition from my home in San Jose to create home in Vancouver, I'm constantly made aware of how we use the pronouns we, they and the plural you.  When I first arrived in Vancouver, I was constantly saying we, as in we in San Jose and the opposite, the plural you in Vancouver.  In the six weeks that I have been here in Vancouver, there has been a gradual shift in the use of those words.  More and more often I catch myself saying we in place of you for the community of Vancouver and the opposite for San Jose.

This week I made my first trip back to San Jose to celebrate Lucia's first day of kindergarten.  And once again I became very aware of those pronouns. When I encountered sales people and drivers and airline attendants the question of home kept coming up.  Is this home?  Are you going home?  Home is this little house that I love and come back to everyday in Vancouver, Washington.  When I flew into my "home" airport of Portland for the first time last night, it was very clear to me that this beauty is now home to me.

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