Friday, January 03, 2014

Keeping Things in Balance

My goal for 2014 is to get things back in balance.  I am hoping that this Christmas vacation is an indicator of what's ahead.  I did plenty of work but I also played a lot.

I started off with lots of time with the little people in my life.  That always reminds me of what's important in life!

I got in lots of reading - actually finished the book I started reading last summer - and started a new one.  But the big news is that I have a huge list of books to read so I can make plans for the future.  Thank you to everyone who contributed suggestions.

I did a little writing.  It is good to be back on my blog.

I got in some running and fitness time.  I ran or walked  4-5 times a week.  It felt good to be back in the routine again.  I got in a walk on the beach and one in the woods.

I even saw some movies for added diversion.  I can't remember the last time I did that!  Here is the list:
American Hustle, Philomena, Dallas Buyer's Club, Nebraska, and Gravity.  Bring on the Emmys!

And there was plenty of work - Lesson plans for the upcoming week are done as well as my first attempt at creating final exams and accompanying study guide.

And this all leaves me a weekend to relax before going back to the work routine.  That will be the real test of my 2014 resolution.

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