Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Far, So Good - Even Better Than Good

A few short weeks ago I took my first steps into the world of childcare. I had the perfect opportunity to begin this journey with a short time commitment with one sweet boy. The grandson of my favorite substitute was looking for a substitute of sorts. Their childcare provider was going on an extended vacation and they needed someone to take her place. Voila! I appeared out of no where and came to their rescue.

Day 1 was fascinating. Here was this little boy who had only had a short visit to my house and yard and was now plopped down here for the day with this kind of crazy woman, a dog and some birds. But there were toys and a bed to sleep in. He handled it well - always watching me, trying to figure out what was coming next. Every day has gotten better and better and better. We play and laugh. We take care of the birds and hang out with the dog. We throw balls, chase bubbles and stack things. We are growing and learning together. He is learning about his world and I am learning about him. We hug and kiss and he feels like my own. And that is what I want for these kids, for this to be their home away from home and for me to be their mom away from mom.

Before I get too carried away with how wonderful this all is, I remind myself that this is one child, not 2 or 3 or 4 and it is 3 days a week. So I still have my Monday mornings and all day Friday to run my errands and have coffee or lunch with friends. It is the perfect summer in many respects. I am dipping my toe into this new world and trying it all out while still having time for relaxing cups of coffee, walks around town, and time to reflect on all that has happened in my life over the past few months.

Observations about this new world:
  • I am teaching all day long with no one telling me what or how. I can start and stop when my "students" are ready for more or need a break. I can do the same thing over and over again without concern for best teaching practices or new strategies that some one just thought up.
  • The house is filled with laughter and the sounds of playing.
  • Music, chants and poems are back in the forefront of my brain. Yes, just like riding a bike, Mother Goose is never forgotten. I am singing again.
  • My voice is happy and cheerful. There is no need to sound like I am in control.
  • I am outside again just for the sake of being outside, not to plant or weed or water but to play with balls, bubbles, ride trikes and dig in the sand.
  • Discipline is a simply a word or two and a distraction. There is no threat of detention or need to consider what I should do for this kid this time to get him in line so I can teach my lesson about metaphors or persuasive essays.
  • Time only matters for food and sleep. We can take as long as we need to learn what ever we are interested in today. There are no bells to tell us that learning time is over.
  • I am seeing the world through the eyes of a child and am once again filled with awe at all we have at our fingertips.
I am loving things where they are in this moment. I am struck with the awareness that I am ending my "work" career where it began. Thirty-three years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and became a stay-at-home mom. I have often said that they were the most important 6 years of my life and I wouldn't trade them for anything. They weren't always easy but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I have come full circle and still feel the same way. I know the next few years won't be easy but I look forward to the challenge and know that what I am doing is some of the most important work in the world - allowing children to grow and learn in a supportive and loving home.

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