Saturday, March 21, 2020

We, The Elderly

The Coronavirus/Covid 19 is running rampant.

Every day there are press briefings.  I always think that the information will make me feel better but it rarely does.  California, New York, Illinois, and Connecticut are now on "shelter in place."  I can feel it in the Florida air.  It is coming this way.   It is all the reminder of our mortality.  I am  now considered "elderly" as is my sister, brother, and most of my friends.  We are all now at risk, susceptible, and/or compromised.  And so are my parents.  We are looking at two generations that are now in danger or dying. 

And so what faces me now is the reality of living in Florida close to my parents and thinking of ways to keep us all, all safe.  While I think of them first, my health and general well-being quickly follows that initial thought.  How do I protect them?  How do I take care of them when they know they have already survived so much - polio, small pox, chicken pox, mumps?  I want to be the voice of reason without instilling the fear that I feel in the pit of my stomach.  How do I protect myself?  Hand washing is now part of my daily routine - when I wake up, after my shower (I know how silly that is), before I eat, after I eat...)  There is now no reason too ridiculous not to wash my hands. 

I find little humor in any of the virus or shelter in place jokes.  I do see the positive.  Everyone is inside so our water and air has never been cleaner.  I spend more time in prayer and happy thoughts and that is a very good place to be.  I know and respect the value of being outside for my morning walks or gardening.  Life is slower.  Life is simpler.  My brother checks in with me every day.  I love that.  He is my person.  He is the voice of reason and reassures me that I am right to be afraid.  So now we venture forth in this new reality.  Staying in. staying clean and staying connected. 

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