Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Walking/Running Thing

The past month has taught me things about my personality that I would never have known any other way.  As much as I have told myself, I can't run, given the right situation, I can't keep myself from running.  I am not, I repeat, I am not a competitive person.  I stay as far away as I can from competitive sports.  Anything I do, I do alone.  Walk, Swim, Yoga, Bike.  Those are all things you do for the most part alone.  But the reality is that when I am in a group walking/running situation, I run.  Two weeks ago I did the Big Sur 5K.  It was my first test.  My goal was to do a 13 minute pace which would have been a 39 minute walk.  However, at the .5 mile mark what loomed in front of me was a hill, and not a small hill.  My head immediately told my body - no way you're doing a 13 minute mile, you better start running.  So from time to time throughout the 5K, when the urge hit me, I ran.  I was happy with my ending 38 minute time.  But within an hour, I was in pain, a pain that I couldn't seem to stretch out.  I knew I had done too much but the truth is that I didn't really care.  I still believed, no matter the evidence to the contrary, that I could do whatever I set my mind to.  A week later I was in the chiropractor's office learning more about my body and its weird makeup.  It turns out that I am definitely out of alignment, the kind of out of alignment the causes real pain just in lying down on a hard surface.  We messed a bit with her skeleton and I got it.  Bone on bone hurts.  OK.  I'm done running.  For the next week and a half on my walks, I really did walk.  No running.  At all.  Then on Saturday I did another 5K.  I knew 30 minutes before the race that I wasn't going to be able to walk.  I'm not sure if it's the energy I feel before these races or it's just my hardheadedness.  I walked and I ran, I walked and I ran.  End result; another 38 minute 5K.  But the sad thing was that I wasn't happy about it.  38?  38?  Again!  Shouldn't I be getting better?  Shouldn't I be getting faster?  I was getting better because this one didn't hurt.  But the reality is that nothing is ever going to change in my skeleton.  I can't untwist my spine.  I can't lower my left hip so that it's in alignment with my right.  All I can do is say good-bye to races.  My brain will never let this stuff go.  So I will do a 5K next month and a few 10Ks, followed hopefully by my last half marathon in October.  Then I promise to act my age.  I will walk.

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