Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Santa Clara, The Tree City

Our city prides itself on being a "tree" city. They go out of their way to plant trees in the sidewalk easement all over town. I have recently been involved in this process. It all started when I discovered that finally the top of a grafted walnut tree (which never belongs wedged in a sidewalk) had finally succumbed. I was not in the least bit sad about this because I have no affinity for walnut trees. So I called the city number and was told that a guy would be out to check the tree. Within a few days he stopped by and left a form that indeed the tree was dead and must be removed. He also left a list of possible trees to choose from. After a few days of mulling it over, I made my selection completely based on beauty and height. If it's my tree I want to be able to enjoy its beauty from my living room window. So I once again called the city number and the message taker said she would pass along the information. Luckily the next part of the process occurred during the first week of summer vacation or I would have missed the whole thing. On Monday a guy came to check the space and double check the tree selections. We discussed removing some of the concrete to make more room for the tree. Excellent idea! he made some colored lines on the sidewalk and said I was on the list but there were 10 tree removals ahead of me. On Tuesday the water guy came and made some blue lines where the water pipes are. On Wednesday PG&E came and made some red lines to mark the gas pipe. On Thursday AT&T came and wrote in fluorescent orange on the street "No AT&Y, No CATV." By this point I am beginning to laugh each time a company car slowly drives down my street looking for house numbers. But all those colors are certainly drawing the neighbors' attention to some upcoming activity. Some are happy to hear about some pretty trees taking the place of the messy walnut and others appear to be concerned about where the squirrels will find their next meal. My house.My decision. The following Tuesday I came home to 2 barricades stating that no one could park in that space on Wednesday from 7-4. Sometime during the night or early morning someone must have come along and moved the barricades from the sidewalk to the street. Unfortunately, one if facing the wrong direction but no worries. It just makes me wonder about who does all these little odd jobs and how I might get one.

Around 7:20 the first trucks arrived. Each of the drivers got out, with coffee in hand and assessed the situation. About 20 minutes later a city worker in a pick-up arrived. This resulted in one of the trucks leaving and the other driver unwinding his house, then winding it back up, driving the truck around the block and returns stopping in the middle of the street. By now it is getting close to 8:00. He skirts a bunch of water on the steet and watches the flow and then drives around the block again. He returns to his spot in the middle of the street but this time is facing the other direction. He sets his cones out and waits. Minutes pass. There is some walkie talkie activity and the other truck returns. Finally the gas can and the concrete cutting saw come out and work begins at 8:10. A half hour later the concrete is cut (but still in place) and the trucks are gone.

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