Friday, August 26, 2005

Almost ready

My classroom is almost ready. The translation for that for non-teachers is my room is totally ready but I'm feeling nervous. So I'm sure that I'll go down to school this weekend and muck about for a couple hours and it will end up looking exactly like it does now. It is interesting that no matter how long I do this the feelings of insecurity start creeping in about now. The crux of it today's concern was that parents will look in my room and compare it to the other 2nd grade teachers. But I totally refuse to put up "cute" just to take it down again when the real teaching begins. I did get a lot done today amidst our first level meeting and socializing with my old friends. The level meeting went much better than expected. I had 2 issues to address. We all compromised on the homework packet and they were actually excited about the spelling program I suggested. I thought that would be a huge battle and I would end up going my own way. Interesting. After school I had another paper to deal with on the refinancing. I faxed it back but they didn't get it. So that may mean a trip to Saratoga to give my old lender permission to share my information with the title company. Silly.

Kathy and I had our weekly walking date today at the park across the street from Don Madsen's house. He bought a condo in north San Jose. It was so cute to see how excited he is about home ownership. I had always wondered why he rented that apartment for so many years. Well , it seems he had made so much money he HAD to buy something. He served us fruit and peach ice tea and showed off all his new Apple stuff. I was reminded once again of how great it is when people discover their passion and it turns out to be their job.

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