Monday, May 25, 2020

Still Home

While much of Florida is "open" I continue to choose my aloneness.  The danger of Covid-19 is still real and the chance of exposing my parents to this is a chance I'm just not willing to take.  My list of things to do is short but I keep making things up as I go along.  I have hired a company to put in a sprinkler system as well as a front lawn.  I have dug up all the weeds between the plantings in the back.  So now it is back to a "what to do" state of being.  I weary quickly of reading day after day but I will gladly listen to podcasts or audible books.  I continue to add to my list on Netflix but still shy away from watching anything during the day.  I know that is a slippery slope for people like me with addictive personalities.  But I have once again developed a love of cooking dinner and baking cookies and breads.  Gardening is #1 on my daily list.  There is always something that can be done and unlike housework, I don't  mind doing it.  It occurred to me this morning that this is the situation that makes people afraid to retire.  It is definitely the "what shall I do today" frame of mind.  I am learning to embrace it but I still need people in my life.  I am thankful for phone calls, texts, emails, and Zoom meetings.  But I definitely look forward to some face to face time in the near future. 

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