Friday, November 15, 2019


Moving always involves a deep and profound creation of home.  You buy a house, you fill it with furniture and surround yourself with "your things."  But there is an unfilled space that can't be named.  It is what's been left behind.  The last home.  The house, the yard, the colors that were the used to be home.  So you set about remaking what was.  You plant, you paint, you remodel and build the new home.  And slowly, ever so slowly it takes shape.  You are making home.  Eventually, with time you adjust to the views out of your windows and start to feel a sense of comfort with them.  One day you drive into the driveway and sense the "ahh" of being home.  It takes so long and happens incrementally so that it is hard to notice.  Then one day you have the thought that I like it here.  I like this rug and those cabinets and this view of the world.  This isn't that home but it is this home.  And I like it. 

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