Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Defining Retirement

I am now well into my 3rd month of retirement and things are beginning to sort themselves out. I had a general idea when I tossed in the towel what this might look like but the vision is becoming more clear with each passing week. I have moved through the feeling of being completely untethered and the need to create a schedule. I still find myself thinking my way through each day as in, first I will do this, then I will do that, etc. It has been a bit of a mind shift to go from my highly scheduled work day of 7AM to 6PM to this void of commitments. There is nothing bad or hard about it, it is just a big change.

In my plans, I figured I would be subbing a couple days a week, volunteering a day at Nativity and spending the other 3 days on me; running errands and traveling around the area. Surprise. There have been no sub jobs so I began to think about what I had to offer and how I wanted to spend this time. The longer I'm here the more taken I am with the beauty and feel somewhat called to that piece of life. I have long been a proponent of preserving our natural resources and now find myself in a place where I can act on it.

So here is the result of this time and thought process up to this point. When given the opportunity, I will sub as I want to stay active and keep a little income to pay for my travels. In the meantime, I will volunteer at my local elementary school. It's been too long since I had the pleasure of working with the 6 and 7 year old crowd and I have missed that unbounded joy of life and love of learning. I also want to volunteer at St. Andrew's, the Nativity school in Portland. The mission is so important!

I have signed up to become a Stream Steward for Clark County. I'm excited to go back to the other side of the desk and learn more about my home. This will be 7 weeks of classes twice a week and then I will be able to volunteer on water and plant projects in the area.

The final piece is recreational. I have begun a short introductory golf class. I never ever thought about playing golf before. But what could be better than being outside and walking the trails of beauty in the Pacific Northwest?

So, here is where I find myself at this point in time. Happy, thrilled to be able to make decisions about my future, and looking forward to what comes next.

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