Saturday, June 26, 2010

Crossing a Line

I am a person who has always embraced change. I believe it has become a central part of my being. I am constantly learning and in a state of flux. My beliefs in people and principles are deeply effected by new information. This is all usually for the better. The past year has brought stability in my work world but anything but that in my life at home. It is incredible to think that a year ago I was teaching summer school and would come home to a daily schedule of methodically ripping out what was left of a lawn in the front yard. Yes, I was going native in hopes of stopping the needless water waste of keeping grass alive in this medeterranean climate. No big deal really. But it seems to have been the catalyst for opening a flood gate of changes around here. The front yard is now native and definitely looking better. The back lawn is also gone as well as the maple tree and one of the redwoods. In their place is a lot more sunlight and vegetables and herbs that are feeding me daily. That all seemed logical to me; a no brainer. I have gone back to canning and freezing my own food. I somehow feel like this is also at my core having been raised in Iowa. But now, I think, a line has been crossed. Inside my house, you will find 3 baby hens. And very soon there will be a chicken coop and run for the hens in the back yard. I don't know anyone beyond my grandparents who have ever raised chickens so this is all new territory for me. People make judgments about me now that they didn't before. Once you start raising chickens you move a bit on the spectrum. Your behavior is no longer predictable in the eyes of your friends and family. When you joke about buying a farm, no one really knows if you'll do it or not. It is fun to keep them guessing but it also makes you wonder about yourself. If you have done all this in 12 months time, what might be next? Who are you becoming? What will your house and yard look like a year from now? I am definitely on that other side now and almost anything is possible.

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