Monday, April 16, 2018

Tick Tick Tick

I knew that I hadn't written a post in while but I was still a little surprised to see that 3 weeks had gone by without having taken the time to sit and think for just a moment.  I say it all the time but I will document it here.  I am busy, very very busy (insert sarcastic tone).  I honestly do not know where the time goes.  And sometimes I wonder how I was ever able to get myself to work and think about nothing but work for 8-12 hours a day.  In retirement my mind is constantly whirling and the best part of that whirl is that when I question something, I can take the time to figure it out right then and there before moving on to some other thought or wondering.  I think that is where most of the time goes.

Recent ponderings and doings over the last few weeks in no particular order:

  • Spending time with my kids - Lucia's birthday and Spring Break
  • Planting flowers and shrubs here and there with no particular plan in mind
  • Following through on my art plan - I have registered for a drawing class and met up with a friend to do some actual learning to figure out where this will lead
  • A short trip to Ridgefield and Woodland to visit some nurseries
  • I have joined First Presbyterian Church, a book club and Bible study
  • Enjoyed a weekend trip to my cousin's for some wine tasting and laughs
I like seeing this list and realizing that a lot goes on in the quiet of this new life.  I am making friends and meeting up for coffees and lunches keeping the socialization genes in tact.  I am continuing my journey of life long learning in new areas.  I am giving back by volunteering with the poor and the environment.  I am reading, (sometimes) writing, baking, and gardening.  And no, I never ever wonder what I will do with  my time.  It just seems to take care of itself as I follow along for the ride.