Sunday, January 02, 2011

A Baby's Smile

There is nothing quite like a baby's smile. The whole world is entranced by babies. If you don't believe it, go find one and look at what people do when they are in the presence of a baby. Jut watch for a moment. Everyone, everyone smiles Construction workers; old, old grandmas; little kids; everyone smiles when they see a baby. Think about that for a minute. What else in the world makes everyone smile? Nothing I know. I've never seen anything quite like it. But if you want to flip your heart upside down, take a good look at YOUR baby's smile.. This is a picture of my baby with her baby. But it's my baby's smile that is constantly on my mind these days. Maria has always, ALWAYS been happy. When she was in second grade she actually got a student of the month award for smiling. At the time I was extremely irritated about it because I knew there was so much more to this very happy child than what you saw first. But as the years have gone by, I have come to understand the power of that smile. But,I wish Mrs. DiAngelo could see that smile now. I've never seen happiness come to life the way I have seen my own daughter smile while holding her baby. There is nothing like it. And I have seen it over and over and over again. It doesn't come through in the photographs but when you get to see mama and baby together as much as this grandma does you see it and breathe it in and then it is gone in a flash before you can even say "Oh Baby."' And your little heart melts into this oatmeal-like mush and you just give thanks to the universe or whoever or whatever might be in charge and just say "thank you, thank you that I got to be in the presence of this happiness brought to life."

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