Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rules to Live By

January seems to have been a death and funeral month for me.  Ray is gone as is Jane Anderson and Lois Mallison.  Although all of these deaths left me with sadness and loss I also learned some things along the way.  At Lois's funeral two of her children started the readings off with words of wisdom that Lois had been recording in a journal for years.  It made me start to think about the rules of life that I follow.

Life is a journey.

Stay in the moment.

The universe is in charge.


You can handle anything for a year.

Everything is as it should be.

No one can make you feel anything but you.

Think happy thoughts.

Challenge yourself.

Be who you were meant to be.

Give thanks.

There's no place like home.

Live life fully.

You are right where you are supposed to be.

Worrying is a waste of time.

Follow your dreams.

Be authentic.

Rain is the balance to sun.  We cannot truly appreciate the good without the bad.

When you find yourself fighting against life let go and trust that it will all turn out the way it is meant to be.

You teach others how you want to be treated. 

If you allow negativity, it will grow and overtake all that is good..

Whatever you put out in the world, will come back to you.  

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