Saturday, November 07, 2009

Student Report Cards

I have had one of the most interesting experiences of my career this week. My partner teacher does an activity with our students where they grade their classes. They give each class a letter grade and write a comment about how it is going for them. The comments have been fascinating to read, think about and discuss with the authors. We are all about being the best teachers we can be for each one of our students. Our job is to create a successful learning experience for each and every one of them, without concern for their specific abilities or attitudes. This is one of the greatest avenues possible for making that a reality. The comments had a very wide range. They went from "You're great" to "I love the stories about your dog" to "Thinking about what to write is hard but I've never been good at writing anyway" to "You talk too fast" to "I need you to check in with me." There were two that really challenged me; one could not back up his attack so it has been negated in my mind but the other one definitely called it as she saw it. Our conversation was one of the most frank discussions I've ever had with a student. The fallout is that I am much more aware of her needs. I look for her eye contact when directions on being given and know that is making me much more efficient. There is no longer the need to answer the endless stream of questions that quickly irritate me and make me appear "impatient" and "strict." The end result of this activity is that the connection to our students is better than ever. They know we really do care what they think and are willing to make changes in individual relationships so that everyone can be successful.

1 comment:

Nadine said...

And it is said that teachers are just there to put in their time! No one teaches without a deep commitment in their children! Thank all the fine teachers out there.