Thursday, November 12, 2009

Joys in Life

On the 28th of November I will celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest joys of my life, the birth of my daughter. Your first child is such an unbelievable experience. I didn't think anything could ever compare to the state of euphoria I felt. Then we took her home and the fun really began. Your heart sings with every new accomplishment. I'm talking about little things like a smile, or a turn of the head as she recognizes your voice, her outstretched arms as she reaches out for the first time. Being a mom was and still is the greatest thing I ever did. Then my baby grew up and I once again experienced that pure joy when I watched her get married. Those are tears that took me by utter surprise. I didn't realize how emotional it would be to watch your child promise herself to the man of her dreams. She had found her great love and was ready to begin her happy ever after. What more could you ask for?

And now here I am again experiencing joy I never saw coming. But this one will last a long long time. My baby is becoming a mama and I am constantly being taken by surprise with feelings of joy. Even though I knew every step of the journey I was still overcome with emotion when they made the announcement that there would be another C-G in the world. At the time I told her I couldn't wait to see her all round but I had no idea how true that would become. I love listening to her talk about the pregnancy, the baby, and the family they are becoming. I love just looking at her and marveling at the life she is creating. Every time I see her, she looks different so as we hug our farewells, I hold her just a little longer than I used to so I can hold on to the image, much like I did as she was growing up. I had no idea it would be so much fun to watch your daughter become pregnant and it has absolutely nothing to do with anything grandma related. It's all about her. I'm not sure I know what all of it is but I know there's something to sharing the stories of motherhood. It is a bond that women share that is hard to put into words. I just feel so lucky to be able to share it with my baby who is going to be such a wonderful mama. I can't imagine the emotions that will erupt the first time I see her holding their beautiful baby in her arms. That must be the greatest thing a mother can ever see, motherhood being passed on and knowing the joy that she is feeling because I have been her.

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