Saturday, March 06, 2010

Tips for Success

Given the incredible events that have happened in the Shark Team classrooms the past couple weeks, it is clear that we need to pump up our curriculum to include some basic tips to be successful in the world. I think that next year you may hear Ms. Allen's Tips for Success in the first week of school.

You do not get to shout out in class - even if you are the funniest kid in the world

If you are given an assignment AND extra time at home to complete it, don't ask the teacher the next day "What if you're not done?"

No audible moaning when a teacher introduces the topic of the day or the upcoming unit of study

Don't ever roll your eyes at the teacher (or any other adult)

Don't make mean or ugly faces at a teacher

And do not, I repeat, DO NOT talk back to the teacher when you have already irritated her with audible moans, rolled eyes and ugly faces!

Class dismissed!


Lindsey said...

Tere, for selfish reasons it makes me happy to know that this doesn't just happen in my classroom. :D

Jen said...

AMEN! Lindsey, it makes every teacher feel better when they know they are not alone...right?! Just me?